Maxton, Dover, Party

Deal Index

North End Coronation Party 1953, The Alma, Deal

Mrs Mitchell Mrs Matthews Mrs Smith Mrs Robinson Mrs Roberts Mrs Bullen Mrs Gardener Mrs Knight Mrs Slavin Mrs Groombridge Mrs Bent Mr Matthews Mrs Smart Mrs Williams Jimmy Smith Terry Knight Angela Slavin (Trevor?) Matthews Sandra Bent Olive Woodcock Angela Smart Diane Williams Mick Amess Bobby Amess Roger Divito Pat Robinson Trevor Robinson Pauline Divito Elizabeth Smith June Knight

Move the mouse over the picture to identify those whose names we know (list below).  If we have got any wrong, or you can supply the missing names, please e-mail webmaster<AT> to let us know.

If you recognise yourself here, we would be pleased to hear from you.  We would also like to find any other pictures of this event taken from different angles to show other children we know to have been present.

Bobby Amess
Mick Amess
Mrs Bent
Sandra Bent
Mrs Bullen
Roger Divito
Pauline Divito
Mrs Gardener (June's teacher at Deal Methodist School)
Mrs Groombridge holding grandson Paul Minnock (?)
Mrs Knight (June's Mum)
June Knight
Terry Knight
Mrs Mitchell (June's grandmother)
Mrs Matthews holding Linda (?)
Mr Matthews
(eldest son) Matthews
Mrs Roberts
Mrs Robinson
Pat Robinson
Trevor Robinson
Mrs Slavin
Angela Slavin
Mrs Smart
Angela Smart
Mrs Smith (Auntie Pat)
Elizabeth Smith
Jimmy Smith
Mrs Williams
Diane Williams
Olive Woodcock